Saturday 21. 2.
20:00, Big Hall
temporarily not available

Time is very short for creation, the 100% focus is necessary.

Time is very short for creation, 100% engagement is necessary.

Directed by: Florent Bergal

Same director as in Cirkopolis vol 2. But a completely different performance concept. Pouze jednou! Pouze v Evropě! Pouze v Praze! Pouze v Paláci Akropolis! Již potřetí se setkají hosté z několika zemí Evropy a společně v rámci kreativní dílny vytvoří unikátní celovečerní představení. Only once! Only in Europe! Only in Prague! Only in Palác Akropolis! Guests from several European countries meet again for the third time and within the creative workshop create together a unique full-length performance.

Directed by: Florent Bergal / France

The creative workshop was realized under European Union support within CIRCUS WORK AHEAD! project, in cooperation with CIRQUEON – Centre for new circus / Les Halles (Belgium) / CIRCa (France) / KIT (Denmark)
