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14/02/2016 20:00, Big Hall
no implicit conversion of nil into String

All the Fun is a venting ritual that tries to find the answer to the existential questions of life thanks to industrially produced plastic objects.

The underlying message of the show will be as unclear as possible, so that even the artists won't be able to tell if there is really a statement to it, or if this is all a joke told in a language that nobody understands.

Cie Ea Eo was created from the meeting of four jugglers, Eric Longequel, De Jordaan Cupyer, Sander De Cuyper and Bram Dobbelaere. Together they create performances in which the juggling is the essential expression language. The vocabulary emanates from the juggling: fragility, rhythm, graphics, speed, impact, performance, suspension, balance, fall.

Age guidance: 9+


By and with : Jordaan De Cuyper, Sander De Cuyper, Bram Dobbelaere, Eric Longequel, Neta Oren.

Help in stage direction: Johan Swartvagher

Juggling choreography advice: Jay Gilligan

Light creation : David Carney

Sound creation : David Maillard

Scenography: Sébastien Renaud

Technician : Rinus Samyn

Production manager : Laure Caillat

Production: Pol&Freddie vzw, Association Ea Eo

Coproductions and partnerships:

Ministerie van Cultuur van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap // Humorologie // CircusCentrum // Projet soutenu par la Maison des Jonglages, le Centre Culturel Jean Houdremont de La Courneuve, et la DRAC Ile-de-France // Fabrik Potsdam & Potsdamer Tanztage // Theater op de Markt/Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof // CIRCa, Auch, Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, pôle national des Arts du cirque// Espace Catastrophe // La Cascade, Maison des arts du clown et du cirque // La Grainerie // Maison Folie Beaulieu – Ville de Lomme // Destelheide // Latitude 50 // Kopergiertery

Cirkopolis 2016 All the funCirkopolis 2016 All the funCirkopolis 2016 All the fun
Cirkopolis 2016 All the fun (author: Ben Hopper)
Stagiona. Master of Project: Jan Honeiser
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