Tuesday 15. 10.
20:00, Big Hall
temporarily not available

Forgotten café in woods. 4 women planning the prawns’ liberation demonstrations in tango and fadó rhythm.

The whole Palác Akropolis will chant: „Free the prawns!“

The Czech dance and independent theatre scene await one of the main events of this season in May. On 12 and 13 May from 8pm the multicultural Palác Akropolis in Žižkov presents the premiere Krevety ala Indigo by Spitfire Company. The project is created by director Miřenka Čechová who returns to Prague theatres after her successful engagement in America. The American tango dancer and choreographer Sharna Fabiano and the singer and performer Cécile Da Costa were called in for cooperation.

The actors playing in Krevety ala Indigo were asking themselves seemingly difficult questions during the trials: What is worth fighting for these days? What is worth the sacrifice? The initial symbolic theme has become the conviction and arrest of the three members of Pussy Riot. From this theme the story about four persons fighting for prawns’ freedom and rights unfolds.

In cooperation with American choreographer and tango dancer Sharna Fabiano the principles of Argentina Tango were deconstructed to reveal the new current dance-theatre poetics. Using the post-drama techniques and dancing principles we are looking for the physical and visual language of today’s surrealism.

Artistic director of Spitfire Company and the theatre script editor for Palác Akropolis Petr Boháč says: “Today´s generation dealing with physical, dancing theatre and all progressive performative directions is self-confident in its performance and thank to that it is also sufficiently distinctive to perform whole esthetical forms and provocative thoughts. That is probably why we decided to use the surreal poetics and subtly absurd title Krevety ala Indigo for this heavy theme. The confrontation with the European masters for example on Dancing platform or the festival Malá inventura is very helpful. Thanks to that the Czech groups are invited to the famous international festivals. I am glad that Spitfire Company will perform for audiences in Germany, USA, Republic of South Africa, Netherlands, England, Slovenian and other countries in 2013.”
Miřenka Čechová adds: “Our main theme connecting the whole performance is freedom, either thematic or the freedom of a performer/artist on a scene. Freedom connected with not-guided fantasy, courage and insanity. One thing that can seem crazy to ones can be expression of the freedom itself and the joy of existence. I am personally interested in the surrealism in the permeability of worlds and in the looking at the existences hidden under the surface. It is a paradox that the emerging form is not burdened with views into spaces of dark unconsciousness, but on the contrary, it is an essence of light, joy of living, humour and insanity that were created during the trial process.”

The whole group Spitfire Company and its members are having an exceptional time period. Miřenka Čechová received one of the most important American art awards, Best of dance 2012, posted by the journal Washington Post. Performer Markéta Vacovská was nominated for Cena Thálie award, the performance “One Step Before the Fall” with Lenka Dusilová received nomination from the Dancing platform for the awards of Production of the year, Design of the year and Dancer of the year. And last but not least this performance will represent the Czech theatre scene on the Fringe festival in Edinburgh.
