Friday 7. 12.
Celých Deset / Complete Decade
00:00, A-Galerie
temporarily not available


Karel Haloun began working with rock musicians in the mid 1970s (Vladamír Mišik/ They Cut Off the Little Boy’s Hair) along with the photographer Jaroslav Prokop. He graduated from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague (VŠUP) in 1978 with the final work “Smoke and Me: Vladamír Mišik sings the lyrics of Josef Kainar.” From this time on musical themes have held a significant position in his work. He began to collaborate with Luděk Kubík in 1993, and the two have worked as co-creators since 1996. Their partnership has led to the creation of more than 200 album covers.

Haloun works with many photographers, including Jaroslav Prokop, who has been one of his most frequent collaborators for many years. With the group Jasná páka, whose main members joined Haloun a Kubík last year Beat Hall Celebrations (Beatová sín slávy). Most recently, they presented their work last year at the Moravian Gallery in Brno. At the Ambit gallery of the Governor’s Palace (Místodržitelský palác) they presented a selection of their work for music groups over the last ten years. The exhibit was called Celých Deset/ Compete Decade and it included the graphic design work from 74 CDs.

Luděk Kubík is the founder of the graphic design studio Side2, of which Karel Haloun is an associated member. Since 2005, Karel Haloun has also worked as an educator at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague (VŠUP).
