Tuesday 17. 9.
19:30, Big Hall
temporarily not available



The action of conferring or taking counsel, now always on an important or serious subject or affair; ‘the act of conversing on serious subjects… The intransitive verb: to hold conference; to confer.

We warmly invite you to attend a sonified choreographic event, ˈkonfɛrɛnt͡sɛ, at Palac Akropolis.

In May 2023 Lore Lixenberg and performance group Ferst Dadler set up the Republic Františsšsšsšsšs where citizenship was determined solely by existence. In this republic, the bugs, plants, flowers, people and objects were equal and interdependent, and their positions were fluid. What lies ahead for this nascent republic? You’re invited as the citizens of the republic to reflect upon its core principles and the future through sound and movement.

The event involves light participation and the languages used are no barrier.

Concept, dramaturgy, performance, choreography, music, scene and objects: Loré Lixenberg, Elia Moretti, Inga Zotová-Mikshina, Roman Zotov-Mikshin Light design: Jiří Šmirk
