Thursday 10. 12.
Toxique /CZ
19:30, Big Hall
temporarily not available

Christmas concert with musical and visual presents.

Toxique The funky, soulful Czech Rock band make a scene onstage and love every minute of it…and they really like sofas. Would you like to know what will happen if you put an exceptional voice of a girl, for whom more men than you can think of would fight, and musical perfectionism of four individuals permanently intoxicated with music in a test tube? Hard to say. But you may get a help if you go to the TOXIQUE concert. The legend says that they clubbed together when washing test tubes in secret laboratories of the Chemistry and Technology College. Can’t exclude it.

The others say that even the experts from the Musical Enthusiasm Suppression Institute of the Ježek’s Conservatory were not able to deprive the intoxicated individuals of the side creative effects. This is why they have been transported to a liquidation zone to be ground down by the show-business mill. This does not seem to have been completed successfully either, and today we will hardly find the truth.
But it is for sure that they are here and their music is full of venomously beautiful and catching sounds. Their melodies, motifs and riffs can capture many listeners thanks to their easiness, so here comes the warning – LISTEN ONLY AT YOUR OWN RISK!
